Currently, we have 17 clinic branches.
12 in Metro Manila, 2 in Laguna, 1 in Pampanga, and 2 in Cebu.
Looking for a skilled specialist in a particular medical field? Check out their schedule and book a visit with him or her.
Avoid the hassle of waiting in line by booking an appointment in advance. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible afterwards.
Our doctors will recommend the right medication as per your needs, or help guard you from infectious diseases with vaccines.
Laboratory tests are often part of a routine checkup to look for changes in your health. They also help doctors diagnose medical conditions, plan or evaluate treatments, and monitor diseases.
Aventus' partner for accessible and complete quality mental healthcare.
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) is the process of measuring your blood pressure as you go about your normal daily routine. It uses a small digital BP machine that is attached to a belt around your body and which is connected to a cuff around your upper arm.